Friday, January 15, 2010

Week 2: The Competition is Fierce

Amanda then ( : Amanda now:

Bootchez ( then:
Bootchez now:

Bum's the Word then:
Bum's the Word now:

Christina ( then:
Christina now:

Danse then(
Danse now:

Hot Seat then:
Hot Seat now:

Jes then(
Jes now:

katiek then:
katiek now:
Well, not really. The actual picture's coming, and I can guarendamntee that it'll be amazing.

Lady J then:
Lady J now:

Maraiya then:

Maraiya now:

Mindy then:
Mindy now:

Morgan then:
Morgan now:

Pam then(
Pam now:

S then:
S now:

Sister Funderson ( then:
Sister Funderson now:

Smdc then:
Smdc now:

Smelly Kelly then:
Smelly Kelly now:

Tabitha then:
Tabitha now:


  1. Smelly Kelly is really nice, but I'll have to go with Christina

  2. Do we just get one vote?

    I think if it's just one I have to go with Bootchez.

    If we get more, I'll list in order:

    Morgan's Tushie

  3. I'll cast three votes in order. S, Lady J, and Bums the word (for being so daring). It easy to see progress when they are wearing the same clothing. Yeish, here I am with so much to say and I didn't even enter . . .

  4. Did you leave me off the voting list because you knew I'd sweep the competition?

  5. mindy's got the hottest ass and i'd like to tap that.

  6. My votes are for Bums The Word, Mindy, and
